I have recently begun to discover the joy of listening to Podcasts. I have been on the Audible train for quite some time listening to books as I accomplish other mundane tasks, but it took me some time to embrace Podcasts. I have an iPhone so the access has been readily available, but I never took the time to listen.
What got me hooked on Podcasts? My favorite DIY bloggers, YoungHouseLove.com, started a podcast a couple of years ago. After following them on Instagram and seeing their weekly posts about their podcast, I finally decided to figure out how to listen to one.
Podcasts are like listening to talk radio, but you can pick who and when to listen. It is often shorter than an audio book which can help fill a short amount of time when doing dishes, yard work, DIY projects or commuting around town.
My top three podcasts at the moment:
Young House Love Has a Podcast: This was my first podcast and my favorite at the moment. Like many other mothers, I am busy, and I have a lot on my brain at all times. I enjoy their podcasts because they are light, fun and not too complex to mentally process. Because it is easy to listen to, my brain seems to relax a little. My husband and I also love to DIY so I likely enjoy living vicariously through John and Sherry’s multiple home renovation adventures. If you find that you are like my husband and feel like they talk a little fast, slow down the listening speed and have a laugh at what sounds like two very drunk people hosting a podcast.
Dirty John: It is quite serious and sometimes requires a quiet environment to hear all the details to follow. At times I had to pause the podcast when young ears and noisy children entered the room. Some content is not suitable for children. Although it is not an ongoing Podcast, it was a very interesting to hear the real life story of one man’s schemes, crimes and manipulation of others. I look forward to the upcoming television show that is based on the same man’s life.
Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs: A lot of mothers in our area have been blessed to have Karen Stubbs bestow her motherly wisdom on us over the years as we stumble through the trenches as she did. Fortunately, we now can gain insight through her routine Podcasts wherever we are. The Podcast is practical and offers great tips and advice on how figure out how to mother our individual children.
Writer Bio: Summer Bolte
I spend most of my time and days with my three kids, husband and dog. My kids frequently play near me as I garden, cook, DIY and volunteer. My most unusual paying job has to be feeding fruit flies in a research lab, and my most fulfilling job was being an oncology nurse for seven years.