
Are you prepared for round 2 of COVID-19?

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Are you prepared for round 2 of the coronavirus? - The Hot Mess Press

There is so much misleading information on the current virus pandemic. It can be hard to find trusted resources that will help you make informed decisions about yourself and the health of your family. The economy has suffered greatly during this epidemic so it’s understandable that people need to go back to work and businesses need to reopen. But was it too soon? Experts are predicting that we will now see round 2 of COVID-19 because of loosened restrictions and people not taking the virus seriously. No one can predict what will happen with the virus but it won’t hurt to be prepared in case it comes back full swing in the fall or sooner.

Store supplies and food

Right now is the time to stock up on non-perishable food and essential supplies. If government officials decide to renew lockdown orders, it will be helpful to have supplies on hand to limit your trips to the store. It’s a good idea to have enough household supplies like paper towels, toilet paper, personal care products, and cleaning supplies to last 2-4 weeks. The same goes for food. If storage is limited in your home, there are ways to keep a stockpile of food for emergency situations that don’t require a dedicated food room. Some things that people often overlook when stocking up for potential emergencies include pet supplies and OTC or prescription medications.

Be ready for new stay-at-home orders

Right now there is a lot of conflicting information about COVID-19 testing and test results. The mainstream media tends towards hysteria when it comes to these situations so it can be hard to know what sources are trustworthy. Leaders around the nation are contemplating issuing stay-at-home orders again based on a high rate of positive tests in specific areas of the country. Keep up with the information in your state to be prepared for another lockdown. Most official state websites will provide up to date information

What does round 2 of COVID-19 mean for schools?

Can kids return to school in the fall? The answer to this question varies greatly depending on who you ask. Some localities are trying to find ways to reopen as safely as possible. Many teachers have spoken out about how these plans simply won’t work. Homeschooling is a good option for some, especially if you have an immunocompromised child, but it’s not for everyone. Consider who you will use for childcare in the event that your kids don’t go back to school. Some schools are doing shortened schedules which is also something to plan for. If your child will be doing virtual schooling from home, be sure to stay in contact with the teachers to know what equipment or supplies you will need for online schooling.

A second round of COVID-19 could negatively impact a lot of people. Cases are reported to be rising in many areas as people take vacations and ignore social distancing recommendations. Many health experts predict the virus will come back, possibly even worse than before. Other sources downplay the impact of the virus. It’s very frustrating to have conflicting information when it comes to something so serious. But, we can try to be prepared with supplies and food in case new stay-at-home orders are put into effect. Kids may not be able to return to school in the fall. So it’s important that parents have a plan in place. Prepare now so that you don’t panic if lockdown restrictions return.




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