
Baby Steps to Healthy Living

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Current news regarding agriculture/ the food supply or state-of-health-of-the-average-American can be likened to a sci-fi horror story!

Immune deficiencies, disease, disorders and obesity plague our society, not to mention a grave decline in mental health stability.

Netflix documentaries about food suggest how scary “eating” might be, depending on your meal selection.

Many parents believe that GMO’s, high fructose corn syrup, a contaminated wheat supply and other nutrient-lacking items are bad for their families; yet, the so-called “healthy” foods seem to cost exorbitant amounts of money making the average-income earner feel like a second mortgage is needed just to buy a week’s worth of groceries.

Good news!

It’s all about “baby steps.”

Rather than thinking things are too far out of hand, or maintaining a healthy diet in today’s economy is impossible, etc…realize that ANY change for the better is better than no change at all.

Here’s a peek at some “baby steps” my family has taken in the past 10 years on our journey toward better health:

1. Say No to Refined, Processed Sugar Dr. William Coda Martin classified refined sugar as a poison! He further stated that ingesting excess amounts of refined sugar eventually adversely affects every organ of the body. If you’re going for “sweeteners”, choose raw sugar or pure honey, instead.

2) Grow It! We expand our garden a little each year. We choose non-GMO seeds and use no chemicals on our soil or crops. No land space? Use containers, or find a group of friends to “share” a plot on someone else’s land! The benefits of family gardening are tremendous! (Our grocery bill plummets during the harvest season!)

3) Forage! Do some studying, first (to avoid look-alike plants that may be toxic) then see what you can find! We have discovered at least 5 naturally-growing crops that have become staples of our summer diet!

4) Let it Ferment! We have learned that home-fermented foods provide pro-biotic goodness to a family’s diet! From kraut and salsa, to pickles, ketchup, kefir and more—a really fun activity that doubles as a great science project!

Making our own yogurt, butter, cleaners, detergents, and raising a small flock of hens to provide delicious, healthy eggs are some of the other “baby steps” we’ve taken. (And, before you think you don’t have enough time, I have six of our 10 kids still at home, homeschool, and work a part-time job as an online writer! A little determination goes a long way! Less Facebook, more self-sustained living! Give it a try!)

Aside from the actual physical health benefits of “baby step” living, great satisfaction can be found in providing your family with foods and products that you have grown/raised/made yourself! By strengthening your immune systems, you may find that you have less medical bills because you won’t get sick as often, can save money by making your own products and learn new skills that not only help you get healthy but enrich your daily family life, too!

Writer Bio


bio picJudy Dudich resides in the beautiful woods of Pennsylvania, where 24 acres of land and a home-office provide the perfect setting for her children’s home-education and her own homesteading and business ventures. Life is full of blessings (and challenges!) for Judy, as a wife, mother of 10 and Grammy to six. She is a published author, whose book, “I Surrender/A Study Guide for Women” continues to encourage and support others in Christian family lifestyles throughout the world. Judy has also previously worked in the online speaking circuit. Her passion for permaculture, re-purposing, foraging and organic gardening fills her days with learning and adventure that she loves to share.

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