
Celebrity fun facts to lighten your day

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Hollywood, sign in hills

Are you feeling it? There’s an atmosphere of mixed anticipation-slash-anxiety as the official 2019 holiday season swiftly approaches for kick-off. If you need a break from planning your Thanksgiving menu or guest list, I’ve compiled a short list of celebrity fun facts to lighten the load. I have a dear friend from high school who has met more celebrities than anyone I know. Not only has she met them, she has a knack for getting them to agree to pose for photos with her. She also has been invited backstage by some of the biggest bands in history. Kelly, if you happen to read this, you go, girl!

It’s fun to follow news about our favorite celebrities. There are several levels of celebrity status. You might be an international celebrity, for instance. Then again, your fame might exist only in your local community, but still. (You know what I mean — this kind of celebrity: Hey! There goes Joe! He could burp the entire alphabet when we were in grade school!) As I was scanning headlines this week, I came across a few items that made me smile.

Guess what this celebrity did?

If you’ve been following my column for a while, you might have read a previous post I wrote on rocker, Jon Bon Jovi. If you missed it, you can read it here. I hope you do because you’ll then understand just how much this guy has been paying it forward in life. There’s a heartwarming video in that post that you won’t want to miss.

Bon Jovi is a celebrity who is still reaching out to help others. He has extended his generosity to U.S. military veterans, many of whom suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after returning from combat. The Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation gave half a million dollars to help build an affordable housing complex in the nation’s capital city. Here, homeless veterans will find the extra helping hand they need to get back on their feet.

Another super, fun celebrity fact is that upon researching this story, I discovered that JBJ has released a new single! It’s called “Unbroken,” and proceeds will help provide veterans with service dogs. I know, awesome, right?

Now, some Tom Hanks news!

A while back, my friend Angela shared a thought-provoking article about Mr. Rogers. I, along with thousands of others across the country, have been eagerly waiting for opening day of the new Tom Hanks movie. In fact, it is making its debut as I write this post! The widow of Fred Rogers said Hanks’s performance is near genius.

Imagine the surprise Hanks, a favorite celebrity of just about everyone, likely felt when he recently learned a shocking fact. It turns out that Tom Hanks is a biological relative of the late Fred Rogers! They are distant cousins! Each time I viewed a trailer of the new film, I was astounded at the uncanny resemblance Hanks bears to Mr. Rogers. We now know it is not by coincidence!

The Rock brings joy to children

Dwayne The Rock Johnson has a special place in his heart for kids who are ill. This celebrity is known for making surprise visits to children’s wards in hospitals across the country. He recently brightened one lad’s day when he posted a video with a shout out to little Hyrum, who has a certain type of leukemia, as well as Downs Syndrome.

Hyrum’s parents were so moved by The Rock’s act of love that, they posted a note of gratitude on their Facebook page, which Johnson shared on Instagram. Hyrum’s mom wrote that, every time her son heard his name in the video, he giggled and pointed to himself. The Rock says bringing joy to sick kids is the highlight of his celebrity life.

Now that I’ve shared some fun celebrity facts with you to lighten your day, who wants to go watch Moana for the umpteenth time?

:: raises both hands::

Perhaps, I can find a way to work it into our homeschooling day today as a life lesson! ::winks::


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