
I Started the Whole30 and Quit 10 Days Later

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It was not all that long ago that I posted about my 2nd round of the Whole30. I had completed the food elimination diet two years ago with great success.

On my first round of Whole30, I completed more than 30 days of the food elimination diet. On completion, I had lost approximately 10 pounds and felt noticeably less puffy and swollen. My skin was clear and glowing, and I was sleeping really well at night. Also, many of the habits I acquired during the Whole30, I continued as part of my daily routine.

This round of the diet, I just did not have time.

The Whole30 Takes Time

With any diet or food modification, it does take time. It takes time to plan meals, buy groceries and prepare food. It is difficult to eat on the Whole30 without food preparation and cooking. A recent camping trip is what made me throw in the towel on this round of the Whole30.

In the days prior to the camping trip, I roasted Whole30 approved potatoes and pre-cooked some bacon to ensure that I would have a hearty healthy and compliant breakfast while camping. Although breakfast while camping was easy to make compliant food, lunch and dinner were difficult for me.


My first round of the Whole30, I remember trying some really good tasty recipes. Many recipes were kept as part of our normal meal rotation, but this round, I struggled to find recipes that made me excited to eat.

On this round, I spent quite a bit of time on two recipes that were not well received by my husband or kids. To make matters worse, I was not excited about the recipes I tried on this round.

No Cheese

No cheese during the Whole30 was the final straw. Once we returned from our camping trip, our grocery stash was low. We had a busy morning the next day without only yogurts and cheese sticks to get us through lunch. Neither were compliant on the diet.

I do not think this was my last attempt at the Whole30, but need to wait until we have more of a routine schedule instead of the inconsistent summer schedule we carry now. The best part of the Whole30 is definitely becoming accustomed to no sugar. Although I only made it 10 days, I noticed my fingers were not swollen and I lost a few pounds in the process.

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