
Just Making It Up

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Oh makeup. The wonderful part of the morning routine that covers a multitude of breakouts, wrinkles, scars, and so much more. Girls, young and old alike, spend a great deal of money, time, and effort on making their faces perfect. So why do we have such an obsession with “making up” our faces?

As a little girl, using makeup is the privilege that comes with age. You play make-up with your friends or you may paint your mom’s face on the carpet using her lipstick…I was really young, okay? When I turned 13, I finally got to wear lip-gloss to church. It seemed like using makeup was a kind of rite of passage. 7 years later and I reserve lipstick for special occasions, while foundation is used daily.

Overall, I have never been one to use very much makeup. My routine is pretty basic and oftentimes people cannot tell that I am even wearing any. My sister, on the other hand, loves to learn new little tricks and tends to put a bit more effort into her makeup and hair. Is there anything wrong with either approach? Not at all. Each girl and woman has the right to choose how she is going to make it up. I think that wearing makeup is more professional than going to work or my student teaching plain-faced. On the days that all I have is class, makeup becomes even simpler or non-existent. Some choose minimal makeup; others use all of the resources available.

Society tends to push the idea that makeup is what makes a woman beautiful. We place such an emphasis on making ourselves look perfect, from our eyebrows to the even tone of our skin, that we often forget to beautify the inside. There is no makeup that can cover up the imperfections and blemishes of our character and heart. One Direction wrote a song reminding girls that their beauty goes beyond the surface. In the song “Try” by Colbie Caillat, she describes the pressures so many women put on themselves-to do their makeup and nails, to run and be skinny-and how in the end it should really matter whether or not we like ourselves. Even more than that, we need to remember that the Lord does not look at our appearance, but at our heart.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

We will never be able to completely avoid the effects that stress and age have on our appearance, but we have the opportunity each and every day to choose to beauty. The beauty of grace, patience, kindness, forgiveness, love, and faithfulness change you from the inside out. Some of the most gorgeous women I know wear little to no makeup and yet radiate a beauty that far surpasses anyone on the cover of a magazine.

To women everywhere: How about we spend as much time and effort making ourselves beautiful on the inside and making others feel beautiful? Be confident in who you are underneath your makeup. There is no need to tear yourself down about how you look (we all have rough days, keep your head up!) when God has already created you beautiful in His eyes.

Writer Bio

shelbyShelby is a Senior Elementary Education major with a Spanish minor. She works as a barista and spends mornings in a 2nd grade class as a student teacher. As an Air Force brat, she has moved all around the United States and traveled to several other countries. In her free time, Shelby loves spending time with her family, adventuring with her boyfriend, and making memories with her friends. In every area of her life, God comes first, although she has to remind herself to trust Him in every situation. Through writing, Shelby hopes to show people the great grace of her Savior and how to live life to the fullest.

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