Working at Starbucks has provided me with a variety of experiences in talking to and building relationships with a variety of people. Every person who walks in the doors or pulls through the drive thru has a unique story. Unfortunately, this is something that is easily forgotten when a challenging customer creates, well, a challenge. Now, I’m not sure if you know this or not, but the lowly barista who proudly creates and serves you your grande caramel macchiato upside down with an extra shot is not the person who makes the prices. Or is responsible for the fact that the store is out of something. Or created the rule that we cannot take $100 bills for your tall coffee.
The barista is just the messenger.
This thought crossed my mind as I had a particularly difficult time joyfully serving a customer after having repeat disheartening interactions with her. Regardless of people’s reactions or opinions, all that I am required by my job and called by the Lord to do is my best in all things. That’s it. Isn’t that so freeing?! In spite of other’s negativity or differing opinions about anything, we are called to be MESSENGERS.
We aren’t the message.
As a follower of Christ, this gives me such a sense of peace. Sharing your faith is not always easy, especially when you know you are in a place where most people don’t agree with you. Knowing that my responsibility is to plant the seed and share the good news of the gospel, without being responsible for their reaction, makes me much more confident in speaking up. Why wouldn’t I want them to know of the great grace that provides salvation to anyone who believes? I want them to know- but unless someone shares the message, how is that going to happen?
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”
Romans 10:14
Now, I am not saying to go shove your beliefs in other people’s faces. We should all realize by now that that approach doesn’t really work. What I am saying, though, is that we are to stop being ashamed of the message. It isn’t your fault that some people think it’s crazy or that others think that you’re just another one of those Christians who thinks they’re better than everyone else. It is your job to tell the good news and to share the love of Jesus Christ through your words and actions. Without you, people may never hear or be left wondering how God can be so good when so much bad takes place in this world. Jesus came as the messenger of salvation and he has sent out his children to share that message. You are a chosen messenger of the greatest message that can be shared. Stop worrying about how people might react and do what God has called you to do.
Be the messenger.
“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors (or messengers), as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”
2 Corinthians 5:20
Writer Bio
Shelby is a Senior Elementary Education major with a Spanish minor. She works as a barista and spends mornings in a 2nd grade class as a student teacher. As an Air Force brat, she has moved all around the United States and traveled to several other countries. In her free time, Shelby loves spending time with her family, adventuring with her boyfriend, and making memories with her friends. In every area of her life, God comes first, although she has to remind herself to trust Him in every situation. Through writing, Shelby hopes to show people the great grace of her Savior and how to live life to the fullest.