
Romance that Goes Easy on the Wallet

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You’ve heard the advice: Married people with children should strive to take time out as a couple by going on weekly date nights. Yadda, yadda, yadda. The trouble for many is that by the time a baby-sitter is hired, reservations made, movie tickets purchased, the car is filled with gasoline, etc…”date night” ends up breaking the budget!

It doesn’t have to, though! Here’s the good news! There are lots of fun, romantic things to do that go easy on the wallet.

Why not try some of these on for size:

* Check out a local sporting event. (High-school football or an amateur baseball team on a discount night!) Bring a blanket-for-two and share a slushy and some fries!

* Nothin’ says, “romance” like a campfire built for two! You don’t even have to leave the house for this one…just wait until the kids are in bed! Grab a bottle of wine and some chocolate (or a pizza) and if neither of you plays guitar, turn on your favorite play-list and do a little star-gazing together!

*Go to a coffee house on an “open mic” night and enjoy some local talent with your favorite cuppa’ Joe!

*If it’s summer time, many communities offer free concerts!

* Get a small treat for two (ice-cream cones, hot pretzel, etc…) and go for a walk in the park (feed some ducks if the park allows, bird watch, people watch, catch some Frisbee or do a little necking on the bench! ::wink::)

*Indoor beach party! Drop a tarp down on the floor and get a few bags of cheap sand at your local supply shop. Add a blanket or some beach towels, shells, a cooler, some surfin’ music and a snack! Bathing suits, a must! And, why not toss in a little coconut oil for that fun-under-the-sun massage! ::wink again::

*Read-aloud, grown-up style: Snuggle with your beloved and some favorite treats/drinks while taking turns reading to each other. Choose a genre: mystery, sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction, etc…

*Fine-dining on a dime! String some twinkle lights, add a vase of flowers…some stars or paper lanterns and bring a table just for two into your bedroom. Add a lovely cloth and some candlelight. Voila! Dinner, for two! For a super romantic touch, add a jar to the center of the table, filled with folded strips of paper…on each one…something you LOVE about your spouse!

The most important thing is to make the time to rekindle your connection. Let’s face it. Life is often full of mundane tasks repeated on a daily basis. It’ll become “the same old, same old” if you let it; but, you don’t have to let it. Being married and raising a family is a beautiful blessing. Sharing a few laughs or quiet moments with your spouse lets him/her know that you still care; and, you CAN do it without breaking the bank!

Writer Bio

bio picJudy Dudich resides in the beautiful woods of Pennsylvania, where 24 acres of land and a home-office provide the perfect setting for her children’s home-education and her own homesteading and business ventures. Life is full of blessings (and challenges!) for Judy, as a wife, mother of 10 and Grammy to six. She is a published author, whose book, “I Surrender/A Study Guide for Women” continues to encourage and support others in Christian family lifestyles throughout the world. Judy has also previously worked in the online speaking circuit. Her passion for permaculture, re-purposing, foraging and organic gardening fills her days with learning and adventure that she loves to share.

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