My first colonic. Yep. Tube in the anus, water in my colon, poo down the pipe. Not sure what’s happening here? Neither did I as I was going through it, but I’ll give you the low-down without being too graphic.
It took me nearly a year to seriously consider a colonic. Over some months I learned that:
1) a person should poop 2 or 3 times a day, around 20 minutes after eating. Really?? I call it a “WIN” if I poop once a day.
2) Your poop should have a snake-like shape and float. Seriously?? Poo is gross anyway, but mine is a mound and sinks right to the bottom. I alternate between being totally constipated and then having near-diarrhea.
Since my gut and poop are not behaving the way they’re supposed to, I knew there was something going on but what is it and how do I fix it? Enter The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush by the father of the liver and gallbladder flush: the late Andreas Moritz. As of this article, I have not yet completed the book, but I have read enough to convince me that I need to do the flush. It explains my constipation/diarrhea condition, amongst other ailments. The last thing I want is to get a stone from the flush stuck in my colon as it’s exiting my body. In this vid, Moritz explains what happens if a stone gets stuck in the colon…not good. Hours of research convinced me that I have a little more going on with my colon than most people, and not in a good way. The only way I can feel confident that my colon is clear for the liver flush is to have it cleared out via colon hydrotherapy.
Before I go on, I want to say that you should not do this if you have not completed your due diligence. As with just about everything else in life, there are some potential dangers and a large group of people who believe it’s not necessary. After spending hours researching this topic and months debating whether or not I should do it, I finally decided to make the leap.
The woman in charge of my therapy was very kind. She met me after hours and explained the process: Undress from the waste down and lay on the funny-looking table with your butt over the drain.
Now, insert the tube into your rectum. On the left-hand side of the table, release the warm water into your body by pushing down on the lever. Try to hold the water between 20 and 60 seconds, then release. You will not smell the fecal matter, though you can see what your body is passing by glancing down near the floor: there is a clear tube that is sucking away the water and stuff that your body is expelling. Okaaaaaaaaay….that’s interesting!
Now the fun starts.
She leaves the room and I have no idea what to expect. The set up is different from my experience of doing an enema at home. As I’m contemplating my current situation, I’m holding my anus sphincter as tight as possible. Within 10 to 15 seconds, I feel an extreme urge to release. If I thought the fun started before, this is a serious fiesta now! Let’s just say if you’ve watched the toilet scene from “Dumb and Dumber”, you’ll know what I was listening to. I would have laughed but the cramping started. Nearly an hour later, not much poo was seen despite all the cramping. She then tells me that I’m impacted and the water is not able to get through my whole colon.
After 4 more sessions, I still do not see progress literally going down the tube… I still had lots of cramping, sweating, and wishing I was not on that table. It wasn’t painful, but the cramping made me clammy and I was worn out from the effort of holding/releasing.
As kind as the woman was, I did not find her helpful overall. She didn’t answer some of the questions I had and she did not massage my colon. You Tube vids from other countries show a technician massaging the colon of the person on the table as they’re holding in the water.
So now what? After 4 unsuccessful treatments, I will find another colon hydrotherapy place–one that offers technicians who massage the colon as the impacted fecal matter breaks up and tries to move its way down the colon. If I can find that, then–and only then–will I feel confident enough to move forward with my first liver flush.
Wish me well on my quest and as always, I will keep you posted.
CJ Heath