
The Happiness Press – SGN Says Goodbye for Now

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The Happiness Press - The Hot Mess Press

Looking at the news cycle each week, things may seem pretty bleak. But there are still bright spots in the world that we can look to for inspiration. This column started as a tribute to the YouTube show “Some Good News”, but there is so much goodness in the world that SGN can’t possibly cover all of it. That’s the message that SGN host and creator, John Krasinski, leaves us with this week. Though he never officially said so, the show seemed to suggest that it will go on hiatus for awhile. As sad as that prospect may be, Krasinski reminds us that WE are the good news he’s been reporting for the past eight weeks. The Happiness Press will continue, even if SGN says “goodbye” for now.

Eight weeks of good news

SGN used this week’s episode as a review of the show, of sorts. Highlighting great moments by showing some “behind the scenes” funny moments, like people trying to figure out video chats, Krasinski messing up his words, and casual conversations with celebrity guests we didn’t hear the first time around. SGN kept the focus on its fans by highlighting some fun fan art and playing clips of ordinary people acting as SGN meteorologists (nearly everyone reported that their weather looked “pretty good”). I cried at three-and-a-half minutes in when SGN showed people all over the world leaving the hospital, healed from COVID-19.

SGN also announced that it will now sell merchandise! Several products feature the show’s logo and others have artwork designed by fans. The best part is that the proceeds will go to the charity of the purchaser’s choosing! Even better, the Starbucks Foundation announced it will match donations up to the first million dollars. But Krasinski has left us with the best gift of all. The hope that we, as the human race together can be a force for good in this world. 

Episode 8 of “Some Good News”

The best graduation gift

Around 400 college graduates got a huge surprise this week – anonymous donors had paid off their school loans! The students were affiliated with a nonprofit called Students Rising Above, which provides financial assistance, internships, and more for students. The donors paid about $8 million in outstanding loans. The graduates say this generosity will change their lives for the better and open up opportunities they previously didn’t think were possible. Here’s to their bright futures!

A dog-torate in kindness

In more graduation news, Virginia Tech gave an honorary doctorate to one of its therapy dogs, Moose. Moose has worked in the university’s counseling center since 2014 and has helped students through over 7,500 therapy sessions. Earlier this year, the very-educated pooch was diagnosed with prostate cancer, but has received treatment, gone back to work, and has a great prognosis! Whose a good doctor? You’re a good doctor, Moose!

From foster to forever

One Florida family thought that Coronavirus would postpone the adoption of their foster daughter for several more months, but they recently got some happy news. The adoption of 2-year-old Isla, who has lived with her foster parents since she was just a few days old, could proceed! The Moodys have four other children and another foster child. They gathered everyone together for an adoption hearing over video chat. They don’t have family living close by, but their community celebrated the occasion by having a parade by their house, with cars festooned in banners and balloons. The Moodys also want everyone to know that May is Foster Care Awareness Month and that foster care is a wonderful way to create a forever family.

That’s going to wrap up our corner of good news for this week! Rest assured, that even if “Some Good News” is taking a break, we will still bring you heartwarming stories from all over. The Happiness Press wishes SGN all the best and says it’s only goodbye for now.

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