
The Oscars: It Was a Mistake, Not a National Disaster

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I didn’t watch the Oscars this year, nor have I paid attention to any of the other major award ceremonies for music, television or anything-to-do-with-celebrities-in-any-way in a long time. This is mainly because I am tired of the following:

  • Political agenda and trending propaganda disguised as important speech
  • Immodest dress and inappropriate content
  • Brainless twaddle disguised as creative genius and/or acting talent

Granted, there are still quality playwrights, directors and performers out there although they aren’t typically in the forefront of the news. It’s much more common to see various token “big name” stars promoting the so-called causes to which they’ve aligned themselves for whatever reasons taking the stage and whining to the nation (and world), all the while acting as though they are providing some sort of public service or ultimate Truth needed for survival.

For this and many other reasons, I’m not usually tuned in to that latest, greatest happenings of Hollywood. I did, however, hear about the recent error “someone” made in announcing that a particular film had won the “best picture of the year” award at the Oscars, when, in fact, another movie was the actual winner. You would think the stock market crashed or our borders had been once again invaded by a foreign enemy. No matter what station I turned the radio dial to, it seemed commentators were discussing this minute error as though it were some sort of inconceivable occurrence by which our very existence hinged and through which none of us would likely persevere (even though the star of the film that has mistakenly been given the Oscar graciously it said it was no big deal and she was happy for the winner because that was actually one of her personal favorite movies this year as well).

I can’t help wondering how/when/why our society has become so focused on perfection that it begins to fall apart at the seams if someone makes a mistake in public. It wasn’t that long ago when poor Steve Harvey was dragged through media mud after he announced the wrong name as winner in a beauty pageant. He “owned” his mistake as soon as it happened and took full responsibility for the error; yet, the story was told and videos replayed time and again as though it were a crucial historical moment of some sort.

No one has (yet) said much regarding who, in particular, might have been responsible for the Oscars blunder other than that “someone” placed the wrong envelope into the hands of the announcers.

These are human beings. They make mistakes. Is it embarrassing and uncomfortable to be named number one in your field only to be told, seconds later, that you’re really not number one in your field? Of course it is. However, should a small, human error become perpetual national news for the next week or more?

I don’t think so. It was just a mistake—about a movie—at a Hollywood award ceremony.

I can think of at least a million and one ways things could be worse.


Writer Bio

Judy Dudich resides in the beautiful woods of Pennsylvania, where 24 acres of land and a home-office provide the perfect setting for her children’s home-education and her own homesteading and business ventures. Life is full of blessings (and challenges!) for Judy, as a wife, mother of 10 and Grammy to six. She is a published author, whose book, “I Surrender/A Study Guide for Women” continues to encourage and support others in Christian family lifestyles throughout the world. Judy has also previously worked in the online speaking circuit. Her passion for permaculture, re-purposing, foraging and organic gardening fills her days with learning and adventure that she loves to share.

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