Do you think that there will ever come a time in the United States, where people who are part of the workforce no longer travel to a brick and mortar location to do their jobs? In some circumstances, this would undoubtedly be impossible, such as construction workers who must go to a job site to complete a project. What about office workers, business owners, copywriters and others, who can work from home and carry out their duties with ease? Since the unjust and ridiculous “lock down” mandates of 2020, more and more people have transitioned to remote employment.
There are definite perks to a work from home setting. However, if you’re experiencing it for the first time, there are several unexpected issues you might encounter. Such issues can be challenging to resolve. If you know about them ahead of time, it might be less stressful for you if they occur in your household.
Work from home can suck up a lot of bandwidth
Think of bandwidth like an electronic signal traffic highway. On an actual traffic highway, vehicles take up space. When there is an overload of vehicles within a stretch of road, it causes congestion. What happens when there’s congestion? Traffic flow slows down, sometimes to a complete halt. Working from home often means you’re going to be using a device (I.e., computer) that consumes bandwidth (takes up space on your internet highway). Especially if you have an older WiFi router, adding a work-from-home device to your connection can greatly reduce speed.
Nothing is more frustrating than working from home when you can’t even get a web page to load. The longer buffers, the higher your blood pressure rises. Remember that it’s not just computers that are using bandwidth in your house. Do you have a wireless security system with a camera? How about cell phones? Smart TVs, gaming devices and numerous other things are all competing for space on your internet highway. If you plan on working from home, make sure you have enough bandwidth to handle it.
You might start to resent work duties when you work from home
People who have always worked from home don’t typically experience feelings of resentment toward their everyday workplace duties. However, if you have always worked outside the home until now, such feelings might arise unexpectedly. You look out the window on a beautiful, sunny day. The water in your pool is glistening in the sunlight, or you can see that your garden is dry and needs watered. You want to set work aside and spend the day in your yard, working on projects or relaxing. But, you can’t, because you have work to do.
Resolving this unexpected working from home issue requires an adjustment of mindset. Remember that your work is a means of income. Be grateful for it. Also try to appreciate the fact that you can now carry out your duties surrounded by the beauty of your own home. Try to enjoy the surroundings without it tempting you to stop work.
Too much work, not enough family time
While there’s not necessarily such a thing as being “too” productive in the workplace, working from home can spark a few family problems, if you’re not careful. Think back to the days when you commuted to and from work. How many times did you go home on a Friday with a list of incomplete tasks that weighed on your mind until Monday morning? When you can get to your office without leaving the house, you have a lot more time to get work done. In fact, you might be tempted to work even more hours than you used to when you traveled to your workplace.
Is it possible to spend less time with your family if you work from home than you did when you drove to work every day? Yes, it is, but you can almost guarantee that your family wouldn’t be happy about this. One way to avoid this problem is to block out family time versus work time, throughout the week. Because you can be more productive from home, you might be able to take weekends off now and spend that time with family. Or, maybe you’ll switch to a four-day work week and have three-day weekends, every week. Make family life a priority when working from home.
Discuss issues with your family as they arise
If you work from home, you might have other family members who do the same. Or, you might be the only one. Either way, if the unexpected issues mentioned in this post (or other issues) arise, it’s best to discuss it as a family right away. There’s a definite transition period that must take place in order to develop a sense of normalcy, rhythm and routine in a mobile work environment. Make sure every family member knows that he or she is free to express concerns and make suggestions as to how to improve your new family/work dynamic.
Perhaps you’ve recently switched from an outside-the-home workplace to a work from home setting and have thoughts or suggestions to share. We welcome your input! Feel free to leave a comment under this post on our Facebook page!